Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More Kath myth meets reality

Myth-Kory Kath is a popular local legislator, who has grass roots support and is an independent voice for Owatonna and Waseca.

Reality-not even close!

Fact 1: Nearly 1/3 of Kory's donations this year have come from Unions and special interests PACs.  From the Campaign Finance Board-

Amalgamated Transit Union-$500
Boilermaker' Union PAC-$500
Education Minnesota PAC-$450
Inter Faculty Organization PAC-$200
Local 59 Union PAC-$500
Minn Farmer's Union PAC-$500
Minn Soybean PAC-$300
Minn State Council of Unions-$500
Minn Truck PAC-$200
MN for Racino PAC-$200
MN Transit Association PAC-$500
Rural Electric PAC-$250
Working Families PAC-$500

Five and a half thousand dollars in PAC and Union money.  That's not grassroots, that is bought and paid for by the big unions, including his own union that he is a representative for, Education Minnesota.

Fact 2: Kory had received more donations from outside the district than from inside.
Individual Itemized Donations-
Inside district $850
Outside district $1305

So more people have shelled out big bucks for Kath from outside the district he claims to represent!

All of this information is available online here.

Kory Kath has no grass roots support this year because people (like me) have seen him for who he is-a slick talking politician who will say whatever he has to to get elected.  Two years ago we put out a request for 30 volunteers to lit drop and we ended up with 45 volunteers.  This year he has asked for 60 volunteers to lit drop and has gotten 8.

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