Update-the Kath campaign is actively distributing false information.
As evidenced by today's letter to the editor in the Waseca paper from a military vet-Representative Kath also authored legislation that ensured all money from the “Support our Troops” license plates actually helps veterans and not go to government bureaucracy.Nothing could be further from the truth, read below and judge for yourself!
Myth-Kory Kath is honest and transparent guy, who is just fighting for his community!
Reality-Kath will do and say whatever he can to score cheap political points, and will not hesitate to pander to any group that he is speaking with. Best example-Plategate.
Not very well reported by the media, and completely ignored by local press, Plategate was an embarrassing gaffe for Kath and other DFL legislators, with military veterans caught in the middle. Here is what happened-
May 11th-Sen Betzold, Democrat from Fridley, publicly accuses Governor Pawlenty of stealing money from the Support our Troops license plate fund to pay for his staff.
May 15th-liberal bloggers jump on board, accusing Pawlenty of stealing money from our troops to pay a staff member to do partisan political work on the taxpayer dime.
May 15th-without even having called the governor's office to ask about the accusation, Sen Murphy, DFL from Winona, authors a bill, SF-3260 that will require the money be repaid, and any further transfers be subject to legislative approval.
May 16th-Kory Kath authors the House version, HF-3703 with the same language. The story and the legislation is reported in the Star Tribune.
May 17th-the bills are entered into the official record of the legislature, and conference hearings are scheduled.
May 18th-the Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Affairs testifies before Senate committee members that the money transferred was used to pay a staffer to work on the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Program, a perfectly legitimate use of the funds.
May 18th-The Senate committee meeting is dominated by veterans groups who strongly criticize the DFL legislators for not understanding the situation. The Commander of the MN Disabled Veterans Association calls the legislation 'shameful', and dozens of others testify that the staffer performed wonderfully in veteran outreach efforts.
May 19th-Sen Murphy is forced to apologize publicly, and admits that he did not have all the facts before writing the bill. Video of the hearing is available here and here.
Both Murphy's bill and Kath's bill are tabled, never to be addressed again.
That might have been the end of it, if Kory Kath were a normal person rather than an opportunistic politician. But Kath didn't learn from his mistake of accusing the governor of theft without knowing the facts, and he clearly thinks that veterans are too stupid to know the full story. Click to enlarge-
Just a few months after authoring a bill that veterans called 'shameful' and was never heard in house committee or voted on, Kory Kath touted the bill as a 'legislative achievement'. Why in the hell would he do that? Because just a few weeks earlier, the GOP choose a military veteran to run against Kath. So Kath panders to veterans and their supporters by claiming to have authored a bill that helps vets, when in fact the opposite is true.
Kory Kath is nothing more than a slick, partisan politician. His degree in political science has enabled him to say nothing of substance while talking, and taught him to spin an embarrassing mistake into a positive. He should be embarrassed for the insult this is to our veterans, and should be forced to apologize.
He put that as a legislative accomplishment? Why the hell hasn't anyone said anything about this before now?